Sunday, August 31, 2008

Obama-Palin ticket

Firstly, we here at OotC salute John McCain's choice for his running mate. Sarah Palin exudes a fresh profile for the Bush party, one that can't be so conveniently linked with the current chief. Sarah will surely raise the confidence of the conservative voter who have found their new heroine. So in essence, she's Barack Obama to the GOP, just with less stature being second fiddle. Wouldn't it be fascinating to have the two tickets switch their VP's. That race would give us Obama/Palin against McCain/Biden. Now think about that for a second, the former is made up of two (relatively) young, attractive, vibrant, political unknowns. Obama and Palin both played basketball in their hey days, and have roots in the two far-away non-contiguous states. Conversely, McCain and Joe Biden are carbon copies of seemingly every duo that's held the White House since this country's inception, two senior citizen European-Americans with all the pizazz of a Kinkos.

Now America was or still is in need of unity and change - so what better combination than Obama and Palin. They would bridge all known ideological and political divides, and give every vote something to hang their hat on. Overlooking the inconceivability of all this, its amusing at least to take note of. Its times like these that I wish Obama was a conservative, in which this ticket could have transpired. Nonetheless, great to have Sarah Palin added to the campaign going forward!

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