Thursday, May 29, 2008

Obama's flag pin

Since May 14, Barack Obama has universally donned a flag pin on his lapel, an act his two rivals in the race have yet to ascribe to. There has even been an interesting machination in the versions that Obama has worn. Originally, the wavy version with a pole was chosen; this particular one is the most common among politicians and newscasters such as Lou Dobbs, Brit Hume and Jay Leno. On May 19, on a visit to South Dakota's Indian reservation, Obama switched to the Presidential rectangular flag. I applaud his campaign's strategy in employing the latter, which looks better, and more importantly, adorns the lapel of George W Bush, who himself made the switch just before taking his second term in January 2005. This puts Obama on an even viewing pane with the figure he hopes to succeed in less than 8 months from now.

Here are the visuals of Obama and Bush adorning their nation's symbol.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Obama's three seminal primary victories

Who would have imagined four months ago that the primary season would still be relevant leading up to the warm days of summer; now we're still provided around the clock television coverage on the super networks on every Tuesday or the next. The journey that Senator Obama has travailed deserves an inspection via the paper of record, whose grand headlines dictate the relevance of the day's news. Here below are the historical victories that have certainly clinched the nomination for the tall skinny young man who no one had ever heard of even 4 years ago. (To think, it could have been Mike Ditka of all people that would up stopped this train before it gained steam during those days in 2004.) My best wishes to the great states of Iowa, South Carolina, and North Carolina.